Hi there! I miss blogging and I miss my blogger friends too! Which is why I'm stepping out of my comfy conch on December 3, 2016 to take part of Cebu Blogging Summit 3.0!
Last year, I was there too and I was so impressed by the labor of love that came from the core leads of Cebu Blogging Community to put together something this big.
Cebu Blogging Summit is an annual gathering of bloggers and soon-to-be bloggers in Cebu City to learn anything from the something as basic as how to start a blog to how to live a digital nomad lifestyle. Professional bloggers also share their best practices in their chosen niche. My favorite part happens when I get to see the endless possibilities of the internet of things and people.
Every year the Cebu Blogging Summit organizers choose speakers that take so much pride in what they do. Men and women who are often trailblazers in the industry. They dont just have a fanbase in readers but are admired my us bloggers too. Take a peek at the who's who this time!
Although I have momentarily placed blogging in the far end of my to-do lists, I'm still joining #CBSummit because inspite of adulting so much this year, I have always identified myself as a blogger- someone who has a glaring digital footprint.
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