Day 08 - Short Term Goals for This Month and Why
- Malabuyoc fiesta
- Law School enrollment for 1st semester 2011 ( gah! no schedules yet grrr!)
- Get a facial
- Ready study outlines for back subjects
- My brother's birthday
- My sister's birthday
- Start saving for my birthday (I intend to go on a secluded island trip w/ my friends)
- Shop for school supplies
- Seriously learn how to pick a lock (this is an important skill mind you!)
- Buy a new tube of mascara (waterproof please!)
- Finish reading Gone With The Wind (interesting book, but very long and wordy!)
- Finalize the dilemma on whether or not to change blog template to magazine style
- Get back to reading Mein Kampf (Hitler intrigues me)
- Go Booksale shopping (love cheap books!)
- Blog! Blog! Blog
As you can see my list of things to do are quite trivial, however they're not even half of what I need to finish asap. Let's not get started with a long term goals list PLEASE!!