I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. ~ W.E. Henley

Churpchurp is Here!

Join Here.  
You get PHP15.00 per invite who signs up!

Here are some portions of the FAQ

How does ChurpChurp work?
ChurpChurp is your ultimate integrated social media solution that rewards you as ‘Influencer’ for sharing. There will be campaigns notifications provided to you from time to time.
Basically there are two main types of Churps available which are :

    There will be campaign briefs in your account for you to participate from time to time. Pick campaigns you’d like to share to your friends and followers and get rewarded from your clicks.

    If you are selected for a campaign, you will be notified via e-mail of new assignments and given a brief to compose your posts in any way you want with a few required keywords. Your tweets will go out on a schedule and after it does, earnings will be credited into your account.

    If you are selected for a campaign, you will be notified via e-mail of new assignments and given a brief to compose your posts in selected platforms. The brief will describe the angles you should work on.

    So, you’re rewarding me to share?
    Yeap! Authorize the Facebook and Twitter settings in your account and you are eligible to receive various social media campaigns from us! That easy!

    How much do I get rewarded?
    Earnings credited to your ChurpChurp account vary depending on campaigns. For Social Sharing campaigns, earnings may vary from types of campaigns and earnings are based on the total clicks. Scheduled Tweets and some Seeding Campaigns credit you based on number of followers and friends you have.

    When do I get my earnings?
    You can track your earnings via your ChurpChurp account page shortly after accepting and posting Churps. A minimum earning of RM100 / SGD100 / PhP2,000 is required before you can cash out your earnings with ChurpChurp. We will process payments 30 days after the end of the month when you cashed out.

    Join Here

    1 comment:

    1. I joined when someone twitted earlier hahahaha i didn't know you joined din pala...let us see and compare sponsored tweets??? hahahah!!!!

