I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. ~ W.E. Henley

August In Ruins

August has passed, whew!! I hate to say it but the past month had been mostly a showcase of disappointments and distractions and how badly I had managed my disposition during those crises.  Yes crises, as in multiple problems had emerged ganging up on me like crazy.  Remember that cliché about wrong decisions having a domino effect?  That was exactly how August went on for me.  It was as if fate decided to give me a series of armor piercing tests just to mess me up.  

So far, August holds the record for the most fuck ups I did this year.  Made me realize that I am weak against my impulses and that if I dont practice discipline soon, I fear I will become self loathing.  

I am not a person who dwells on the what might have beens. I have no regrets, but I dread that the day will come when I look at the mirror all I will see is a woman who could have been.

Happy August moments
Basty's 3rd Bday
Liz's 25th Bday

I dont want to dwell on the sad parts that happened.  I only pray that we all get to move on and great September with a renewed hope that everything will be alright.

August was a such a month full of extreme emotions. Ecstasy and misery almost just hours from each other. Im moving on to a brighter month having known more of myself because of the past months lost battles.  Though faltered, I still stand.


  1. Aja aja! Fighting!

    Hey sis, wake me up when September ends! ;)

  2. I know the feeling love...seriously just a bad month...of course my experience with my friends started off at the end of July and it dragged on until the end of August...

    Such a bad month for this year...

    keeping my fingers cross for a quick recovery...

    Kisses shabz
    miss you


  3. well, the good thing is you survived...
    and you have become a stronger and wiser person for it.

    we're the same though, i don't dwell too much on the what if's but i always anticipate and fear about my future...

    ♥ vanilla ice cream ♥
