I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. ~ W.E. Henley

I Fear of Flight

in fear of flight, i close my eyes
in fear of flight, i dig at my pockets

in fear of flight, i clench my fists

in fear of flight, my heart flutters

in fear of flight, i deeply breathe
in fear of flight, i look up to the sky of blue and black, of stars and moon, of sun and clouds so cheerfully calling and patiently waiting for my kiss

in fear of flight, i look down with remorse, dig my heels to the ground and push at the stones

in fear of flight, i tremble

in fear of flight, i cry for times lost

in fear of flight, i stare blank at others soaring high, wishing instead i see my eyes in them
in fear of flight, i doze the fire in me that wants to conquer the skies

in fear of flight, i turn blue from the cold

in fear of flight, i might be left all alone

i fear of flying, soaring and yet i dream i am ruling this all

In this time, man is destined to fly, yet why am i so afraid of flight?